Vivitar lens filters review
Vivitar lens filters review


It's the best lens in this price range that Nikon has ever produced in my opinion. e of these 2 competitors, but it performs better.

vivitar lens filters review vivitar lens filters review

Let me say that this lens not only competes with them even though it's priced right in the middl. There has been reports of softness in both Tamron and Sigma's offerings at the far ends of the focal lengths as well, so I see not gain in having 150 more millimeters in it's total focal length if it produces less than desirable images in those ranges. There is a huge debate on whether the Tamron and Sigma 150-600 mm lenses are better because of the longer focal length and Tamron's cheaper price. I still have more tests but I’m happy with it so far. On a D800 I shot the lens at 500mm and then cropped the image to only 10% of the frame and it was still sharp. It did auto focus slower than I expected. I did not expect it to be as good as it is. As with all large lenses #or any lens# mounting them ensures a sharper image. It can be used very successfully handheld.

vivitar lens filters review

You are probably not going to use this one for around the house snaps. So where does that leave me on this lens - It was larger than expected, Do not kid yourself – it is for distance shooting as it won’t close focus unless you consider greater than 7 feet close. I don’t know if everyone will get 4&1/2 f-stop with it but it is good. I have not pushed the VR in Panning situations but I did do a couple shots at night using a porch light, a stucco wall and a couple things against the wall to see how well the VR worked. It was easily corrected and if you are looking for it and had some straight lines on the very edges of the frame there was some distortion. Also on the big screen in some shots, I did see a little chromatic aberration - mostly purple. The worst thing I can say right now is maybe out past f11 or 16 - a little softer in the corners that could be attributed to the lens but I had to look for it. Most of those that were fuzzy were me not the lens or the camera. At the end of the day I found I had mostly selected a lot of 40-50 mm increments #200, 240, 300, etc# and I was getting clear sharp shots all across the range. There was nothing scientific here, I shot across the range from 200 – 500 and from 5.6 – 27 #it’s rated to 32 but I deleted those files and cannot actually include them in my review#. It was a noticeable difference at the slower shutter speeds. Truth in advertising – it was midday and bright out. and even down to less than 1/60 in some cased. #2 x 500 focal length# to help keeping things sharp but I found myself easily going well below 1/200 sec. My first thought was something that would keep me above 1/1000 of a sec.


Since it is a 5.6 lens I was expecting to up the ISO to get a good a shutter speed. It is big and after about an hour or more I was thinking "This thing is heavy". The auto focus would want to lock on the branches in front but a slight adjustment with the thumb on the focus ring corrected that. That came in real handy when shooting birds that were inside tree branches.


It has a 2 position switch for focus - #M# manual and #M/A# Auto with manual override. It comes with a mounting collar for a tripod or monopod and at first I thought it was a little odd and might be in the way for hand holding but it turned out to be a good handle and a resting point for reaching the focus ring when I wanted to adjust the focus manually. Since it does extend when you zoom there is a little difference in the balance but not too much and once realized it was a non problem. I wanted to see how it "worked" in my shooting style - Handheld and on the move - something that is not set up or in the studio. I am basically a handheld kind of a guy but after I mounted it on my D800, I grabbed a monopod and headed for the wetlands see how it handled. I had mixed feeling since some said I would need a tripod and others said handheld was fine.

vivitar lens filters review

So it wasn't quite as large as first thought but when I got it out of the box and it's bubble wrapped bag I thought, "That's still a big lens" It wasn't as heavy as I was expect. My first thoughts was " that's a big lens" but the packaging is a little misleading since the hood is packaged in it's separate cardboard container and set on top of the lens in the main box. I was excited from the reviews I had read so when it came I was ready for it. I pre ordered the lens and got it a few days ago.

Vivitar lens filters review